Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Phlox Garden

Phlox Garden
5" x 5"
Oil on Panel

Another beautiful day out in my garden. Since I've painted this particular phlox garden several times, I thought I'd change it a bit by putting a little garden bunny statue that I had in another garden in it. Cute touch!


Monday, April 22, 2013

First "Plein Air" of the Spring

Plein Air Study 4/22/13
8" x 10"
Oil on Panel

I haven't had it in me, up to this point, to get out there and paint in the open. Even today was a bit chilly, but I couldn't resist any longer. So I set up my easel right outside from my studio, and this is what I captured. I am looking forward to a productive plein air season, seeing and painting some new places, and growing with my painting skills.
